HeartPaths DFW offers training in spiritual leadership and spiritual direction, providing experiential growth in contemplative prayer and practicum training.
HeartPaths DFW | Training in Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual Direction
HeartPaths welcomes those who desire a growing closeness with God in daily life through prayer. One of the treasures of this experience is being in a circle with people from a variety of faith backgrounds, gathered together to listen to God and deepen their spirituality through the Christian story.
HeartPaths DFW invites you to experiential growth in contemplative prayer and practicum training to become a spiritual director.
As a minister’s wife and one who has been around church and para-church ministries for over thirty years, I am struck by the experiential learning in Heart Paths and the modeling of servant leadership by the faculty. This combination has led me to a deeper faith in God and a better understanding of myself in my faith journey.
M. Hotchkiss , Year III student 2017 – livingchurch.org/2019/01/16/holy-listening
“I am so grateful to HeartPaths for preparing me so fully to practice spiritual direction. I have come to appreciate the practice of “holy listening” as I accompany my directees on their spiritual journeys. I have become a more compassionate listener and have learned so much about myself in the process, which helps me sit more freely with them.”
B. Hildebrand, 2017 Graduate
“When I began my HeartPaths journey last year, I was hungry to experience a deeper intimacy with God. Year One was an invitation to reflect on my prayer life, learn new prayer styles and practice being a contemplative. In Year Two, Jesus became real for me. I’ve been a Christian most of my adult life but this year transformed my spiritual walk. I’m looking forward to beginning Year Three in June.”
C. Miller, Year Two 2017
“HeartPaths has initiated very powerful yet subtle changes within me and the course my life is taking. For this I am very grateful.”
V. Ganness, Year One student 2017
In September of 2009, I began a three year journey with HeartPaths that altered the course of my life. HeartPaths’ outstanding experiential training in prayer, spiritual formation, and spiritual direction brought me “face to face” with Jesus Christ, helping me to discern my calling and mission in life. I highly recommend this fantastic program for anyone seeking an opportunity to expand their spiritual horizons while moving closer to the Creator of the Universe.
Sterling R. Smith, Graduate 2012 Director of Evangelism and Involvement White's Chapel UMC
I had been searching for a deeper daily relationship with God, something more than the shared experiences of worship, Bible studies, prayer groups. A friend recommended that I try HeartPaths and I am grateful for the introduction. HeartPaths Year I offered me a place to be on this spiritual quest with likeminded people, learning together in a practical way, the ancient practices of the mystics. This journey has brought me to a place of serene spirituality, no matter the daily stresses of my life.